Sunday, October 20, 2013

Dear Friends,
I’m writing to you because I am running my first half marathon on October 26! For those of you who know me well, you know that I absolutely hate running and are probably wondering why I, of all people, would sign up for a 13.1 mile run. I wonder that myself quite often as I am training.
For those same people who know me well, you also know that I care immensely for people in need. I’ve recently gone through some life coaching and created my life purpose. I believe that my purpose in life is to spread and teach the news of Christ to others by serving and building strong relationships with God, my family, and those who are hurting in both the global and local community. This is why I am running.
 In May, I was invited to join a team of runners on Team World Vision. Our team is running in October to raise money to help people in Africa and Haiti attain clean water for life.
So far my donors have pledged $760 of my $1310 goal. I know we can raise the rest! Water is something that I take for granted every single day, but so many people don’t have it. Diseases from unsafe water and lack of basic sanitation kill more people every year than all forms of violence, including war. We can help beat this problem one person at a time!
Please take a look at my fundraising website to see the actual people that we have already given clean water for life. These are not just statistics…they are real people, with real faces, and real names. These are the 15 people I am running for along with the 11 more I am trying to help.  For every $50 raised, we are shown one more person who actually is getting water for life and this is the greatest motivation for me to keep running.
Please join me to help 11 more people get clean water for their entire lives!
Thanks in advance for your help!
To donate you can either visit my website (below) and use a credit/debit card or send cash or a check made payable to World Vision.